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IMVU does not contain spyware, (we hate it too!)
What type of PC does IMVU work on?
How do I get IMVU?
How do I run IMVU?
How does IMVU work?
How do I pay for IMVU?
How do I chat and animate my avatar?
How do I do animations with other people?
How do I invite my friends to chat in 3D?
What are the 4 ways to chat in 3D?
What does the 'Guest_' in front of my name mean?
What's an avatar?
What are rooms and furniture?
What are Locked rooms?
How does IMVU make money?
What's the catch?
How do I choose different avatar clothing and hair?
What are credits and how do I get them?
How do I earn credits?
How do I buy IMVU credits with my SMS telephone?
How do I shop for stuff?
How do I use the Inventory?
How do I set my profile image?
What are the panels for on my Avatar home page?
How do I customize my Avatar home page?
What do the rankings on my Home Page mean?
What does 'online' mean?
What do the profile fruit icons mean?
How do I change my profile age?
How do I change my profile gender?
What is the referral bonus?
How can I not view advertising?
What is your privacy policy?